Henry's Lab

L.A.B. Report

L.A.B. Live Experience

Hi, I'm Henry Vargas

Welcome to Henry's Lab. This is my personal blog where you'll find unorthodox, but effective, truths about love, arts, and business.

Essentially, you'll find lessons learned in this life either through personal experience, reading, or mentorship, in hopes some of it will be of as much value you to as they have been to me. When I was 15 my Father taught me 3 things that greatly impacted my life,

"Whatever isn't growing, is dying. There is no stagnation, either progress, or regress. You add value to your life so that you can add value to the lives of others"

Here's What The Lab Life Is:

True Love Culture

True Love culture is set of characteristic traits that we develop in ourselves, as a mark of good character & right living.

Artistic Development

Creativity and artistic expression is in everyone and helps us grow. But we determine ourselves to which point we want to grow.

Value Creation

We are each responsible for our own value creation and exchange, to support our lifestyles, and build a community to add value to.

FREE Clarity For Life, Love, & Legacy Masterclass

By the time your done watching you'll be surprised at how much clarity simplifies your life for positive progress! Fill in the form below to watch now!

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